Wednesday, July 19, 2017

SiteMonitor Enterprise 3.89 Full Keygen

Download SiteMonitor Enterprise 3.89 Full Keygen

SiteMonitor will monitor your websites/hosts at regular intervals and notifies you when something happens. SiteMonitor not only checks at tixed timed intervals that your website or host is still functioning correctly, but it will also ensure that the content is correct. Activity is logged to a log file for future reference. With the response graphs you can easily see the server uptime. This is the no. 1 tool any administrator needs.

You can use SiteMonitor not only to monitor your website but also servers which have a Web Interface such as Microsoft Exchange Servers, other mail servers, routers, appliances and more.


    - Ping Web Site (http/https)
    - Ping Host (ICMP Ping)
    - DNS Check
    - TCP:Protocol check
    - Check that returned content is correct
    - Tray Application
    - Web Interface
    - Windows Service
    - Checks if Internet Connection is available
    - Send email notification on failure (using SMTP or GMail/Google)
    - Send SMS Messages using Clickatell or BudgetSMS
    - Response Graphs
    - Up/Down Bar Charts

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